漂流的絣染盒子 /礽建筑+关念工斯


项目设计 礽建筑+关念工斯
设计团队 章礽然,施新桐,朱克
委托方(公司名称) 东方乡村振兴投资有限公司,深圳市玲珑时空文化创意有限公司
其他合作方 美孚方言黎锦研究学术支持:马誉珂(中央民族大学师资博士后)
施工方(公司名称) 海南智游仁文体会展有限公司,三亚微禾广告
摄影师 吕博
项目完成年份 2023年12月
建筑面积 310㎡
项目地址 海南省东方市东方大剧院一层展厅




"The world and I are the two faithful ends of the longitude line"

The project is located in a corner of the Dongfang Grand Theater in Dongfang City, Hainan Province. Dongfang City is located in the west of Hainan Province and is a city along the Changhua River.

The ancestors of the Meifu Li(one of the dialect branches of the Li ethnic group) lived along the Changhua River for generations.




This is a cultural construction project about Li brocade in Meifu Li. The traditional spinning and weaving techniques of the Li ethnic group include spinning, winding, dyeing, tying, untying, manufacturing and other techniques, which show the traditional spinning techniques and are intangible cultural heritage in urgent need of protection.

In October 2023, together with the Linglong Spacetime team, we went to Baobai Village and Baicha Village, two Li villages in Dongfang City, Hainan Province, to get a close look at the craftsmanship and culture of Li brocade. Over the past few years, the Shenzhen Linglong Spacetime team has frequently traveled to the tribes to conduct field investigations and academic research, and is committed to promoting the protection of intangible cultural heritage inheritors and exploring Li brocade culture.

Ikat is the core technique of Li brocade in Meifu Li, that is, dyeing first and then weaving. The Ikat frame is an important tool used in this process. Before dyeing the thread, the weavers first weave the totem pattern onto the dyeing frame by tying, and the weaving process begins after the thread is dyed. In the weaving process, the totem pattern cannot be wrong, and the difficulty can be imagined. During the design period, Ma Yuke, a professional scholar specializing in Li brocade of Meifu Li, provided us with a lot of academic support for Li brocade research.



Make a drifting device

In fact, before we get involved in the specific design, the location and scope of the site we are facing are constantly changing and uncertain. Instead of constantly adapting to the site to make designs, it is better to make a self-contained device to remain constant. The design does not start from the perspective of an indoor space, but imagines it being generated in a sea area. Just like our ancestors were born, drifting alone facing the sea, plains and mountains.




The ikat box is also a box that carries " text "

"How to face a sea area?" We want to design an Ikat frame box. "Is it a kind of image or text?" This is the intuitive question we had after hearing that the totem pattern cannot be woven incorrectly. The Li people have language but no written text. In our understanding, the totem pattern on the Ikat frame carries their "text" (symbol system).

An Ikat frame box is a box that carries "text". The scale of the Ikat frame is exactly a frame with a length of 2.5 ~3 meter and a width of about 1 meter. This scale is closely related to the scale of the body and is similar to some building facade modules. In the eyes of the Li people, people are made up of "body" + "TIN", and everything is attached with the TIN of their ancestors. It takes 1-2 years or even longer for a weaver to weave a piece of Li brocade. Through our visits, we found that as the primary tool for ikat, the ikat frame not only appears in the daily life of the weavers for a long time, but also eventually serves as a funerary object, thus accompanying the weavers throughout their lives. An Ikat frame box is also a box that carries faith.


一个絣染架就是一个立面建构的插件单元。设计中我们搭建了一个木板结构类型,通过穿插的方式将絣染架插入木板之间的间隙处,并以此固定。同时,我们采用了外露的五金合件以及绑带作为加强的固定节点。 这个手法的初衷也来自于在文字发明之前,人们通过结绳的方式记事。用于实际使用时置物展示搁板的建构同样也是采用绑扎的方式。当搁板水平放置时可以置物(如展示品),需要收起时,垂挂的轧带也可以灵活变换。


Plugin and knotting construction

An ikat frame is a plug-in unit for facade construction. In the design, we built a wooden board structure type, inserted the ikat frame into the gap between the wooden boards, and fixed it in this way. At the same time, we used exposed hardware and straps as reinforced fixed nodes.The original intention of this technique also comes from the fact that people used knotting ropes to record things before the invention of writing. The construction of the display shelf for actual use also adopts the binding method. When the shelf is placed horizontally, it can be used to place things. When it needs to be folded, the hanging rolling belt can also be flexibly changed.

Pulleys are designed at the bottom of the two boxes for easy use and site conversion. The detachable and movable device design provides a variety of space usage methods in different scenarios.


用“编织”的方法去搭建立面,通过钢结构做出立面编织的龙骨,然后将3米长的竹条前后穿插而成。竹条疏密比例参考了“LEI LEI CHA PANG WO”(美孚方言黎锦筒裙上不同部位名称的黎语发音,分别对应敬祖先、敬自然、敬家人等不同文化内涵)的比例而成。

Woven façade

The facade is built by the method of "weaving". The steel structure is used to make the keel of the facade, and then three-meter-long bamboo strips are interlaced front and back. The density ratio of the bamboo strips is based on the proportion of "LEI LEI CHA PANG WO" (the Li language pronunciation of the names of different parts on the Meifu Li brocade skirt, which correspond to different cultural connotations such as respecting ancestors, respecting nature, and respecting family).






"Drifting" back to the exhibition hall

The installation language comes first, so the interior design is more to match the installation. The interface separating the space uses full-height dark blue blackout curtains, first for background considerations, and second for the convenience of flexible arrangement in the second phase of the exhibition design,thus reducing waste and construction costs. There are 6 columns with a diameter of 850mm inside the space. Since they exist, we don't want to hide them. The edge of the column is expanded 150mm outward to make a keel bracket, and 1.2m-1.3m long of plant-dyed cotton threads mainly in blue are hung on the bracket.

In the exhibition hall, two boxes are set as one large and one small, one bright and one dark. The bright box is more for horizontal placement of exhibits and is more transparent. The dark box is more for hanging and displaying Li brocade, and is closed and opened with a blue curtain to carry the function of fitting clothes.

The extensive use of blue in the space is because Meifu Li women use a lot of blue and white Li brocade. The Li people believe that all things have spirits. The enlarged blue columns and curtains turn the space into a “daochang of TIN (the deity of the Li people)". Finally, the two installation boxes are placed in a unified field.